Jagmohan Krishan

Top-rated Plus on Upwork and recognized as a leading voice in website development on LinkedIn, I bring a passion for coding and a commitment to creating tailored solutions for my clients. Let’s turn your ideas into digital success together!

Website Development Process

Website Development Process

Website Development Process
Website Development Process

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, creating a successful online presence involves a well-structured website development process. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of website development life cycles, timelines, and the key cost factors involved. Whether you’re a business owner embarking on a new website or a developer navigating the complexities of the development journey, understanding these elements is crucial.

I. Understanding the Website Development Life Cycle

The website development life cycle is a systematic approach that ensures a smooth and efficient process from conceptualization to deployment. It typically involves the following stages:

Planning and Research:

    • Defining project goals and objectives
    • Conducting market research
    • Identifying target audience and competitors

      Design Phase:

      • Creating wireframes and mockups
      • Selecting a suitable design theme
      • Ensuring a user-friendly and visually appealing interface


        • Writing code and building the website structure
        • Integrating functionalities and features
        • Conducting thorough testing for functionality and responsiveness


          • Performing comprehensive quality assurance
          • Identifying and fixing bugs or issues
          • Ensuring cross-browser compatibility


            • Launching the website for public access
            • Monitoring performance and addressing any post-launch issues
            • Implementing necessary updates and improvements

II. Navigating the Timeline

A well-defined timeline is crucial for successful website development. The timeline varies based on the complexity of the project, but a general outline includes:

Project Initiation:

    • Defining project scope and goals
    • Assembling the development team

      Design and Development:

      • Creating design mockups
      • Developing the website structure and functionalities

        Testing and Quality Assurance:

        • Conducting thorough testing at various stages
        • Ensuring a seamless user experience

          Deployment and Post-Launch:

          • Launching the website
          • Monitoring performance and user feedback
          • Implementing necessary updates and enhancements


III. Website Development Cost Factors

Several factors influence the cost of development. Understanding these factors helps in creating a realistic budget and ensuring a return on investment. Key cost factors include:

Complexity and Features:

    • The complexity of website features and functionalities

      Design Requirements:

      • The level of design customization and visual elements

        Technology Stack:

        • The choice of programming languages and frameworks

          Content Management System (CMS):

          • Integration and customization of a CMS

            E-commerce Capabilities:

            • Implementing e-commerce features and payment gateways
  1. Testing and Quality Assurance:

    • Rigorous testing to ensure a bug-free website


Embarking on a website development journey demands a thorough grasp of the life cycle, timeline, and cost considerations. With our updated pricing plans, businesses gain access to transparent and customizable solutions tailored to their website development needs. Whether initiating a new project or upgrading an existing website, this guide equips businesses with the essential insights to navigate the development process effectively. Partnering with us ensures clarity, efficiency, and affordability throughout the journey, empowering businesses to achieve their website development goals and realize their digital aspirations.

 Website Development Process
Website Development Process



  • SEO Friendly
  • Browser Friendly
  • Device Friendly
  • Fully Tested
  • Competitive Pricing
  • 100% Responsive Website
  • Transparency
  • Content Creation
  • Google Tag Manger
  • API Integration
  • Support and Maintenance
  • Backup and Restore
  • E-commerce Functionality
  • Themes and Templates
  • Product Listings
  • Customization Options
  • Additional Integrations


$ 980 Onwards
  • Hosting Environment
  • Server Resources
  • Deployment Environments
  • Advance features
  • Scalability Options
  • Thirt Party Integration
  • Product Payment linking
  • Advanced analytics
  • Priority access to features
  • Security features
  • Advanced functionality
  • Development support
  • Frontend Linking
  • Analytics Integration
  • Security Features
  • Support and Maintenance
  • Backup and Restore

Greetings! I'm Jagmohan Krishan, a seasoned website designer and developer based in Chandigarh, India. My expertise encompasses a spectrum of technologies, including SQL, Next.js, Node.js, React.js, MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL, Django, Ant Design, Tailwind, along with a robust skill set in teamwork, problem-solving, and proficiency in version control systems like Git, GitHub, and Bitbucket.